Category Archives: Scatterbrain


Apologies for the lack of posts. I’ve been held up with procrastination.

Came back from a trip to Bangkok not long ago .Which I will share. After 48hours. I’ve got back to back papers. FML.

Then I can take a chill pill. My next other two papers will only be 2 weeks later.


As a typical lazy student. I will be. Burning Midnight Oil. 😦

Yes I deserve it. BUT PITY ME GODDAMNIT.

Wish me luck. May the force be with me.


But before I can focus on doing my last minute revision. I need to watch Jane the Virgin to get it off my mind. PRIORITIES RIGHT?!


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So for some reason. I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube. Lol. Local YouTubers. So there’s like Night Owl Cinematics… Dee Kosh.. Jian Hao Tan.. Quite a few. After all seems like the Singapore YouTube scene is pretty tight knit. So you’ll see a lot of collaborations or like there would be links and stuff just popping up cause they’re all interconnected one way or the other. So it seems like vlogging or using YouTube as a creative outlet is a viable job. So I’m like.. I could do them. Lol. I’m interesting as shit. I could learn editing. I mean. I bought a MacBook Pro for all it’s above and beyond powers right. If you didn’t get my drift. I’m essentially talking about the ability to edit stuff.

What do you guys think? Because assuming I have proper content and stuff. There’s equipment to worry about. People these days in the scene have the most amazing equipment and producing skits of the best quality. Like you could tell them to shoot a movie now, and they probably could. There’s also my FACE to worry about. Like I’ve said before. It ain’t perfect. As a proud egotistical person. I’m so conscious about what if people say mean shit online? I mean doh. Expect them to say mean shit. I know that. But doesn’t mean that I won’t be affected by it when it happens. & they’re are shitloads of good looking flawless looking peeps on YouTube. & THEY’RE GETTING FLAMED TOO.

You can’t off the comment sections either. How’re you gonna get feedback and stuff? So maybe I’ll do a collaboration with my friends. Why? As the Chinese say. Zhuang Dan. How to explain ah… It means like to give you more balls. I mean rather me in front of the screen. Numero Uno. I get my friends to do them videos with me, and I don’t have to feel as concerned with how I look. Probably we all would get flamed. But we be like whatever. Strength in Numbers right.


I’ve got quite a few ideas in mind. But it’s on hold right now. WE HAVE EXAMS SOON. IN MAY. FCK ME.


I’m doing Economics & Politics in SIM-UOL. So if anyone out there. Staying in the West Zone. Would like to do some revision. Please ping me. Lol. Telling me to self-revise. Is equivalent to telling me to just open Dota 2 & do my All-Hero-Challenge. So yup.

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Peeling Stages

So right now, my damaged skin has pretty much been peeled off.

Funny story. I had an interview yesterday. So I really didn’t want to go in for an interview with my dead dark skin all over my face. It looked really dirty. More of a homeless lack of skincare look rather than a “The Sun Kissed me to hard look”. So I took a long… long… shower. Same idea as you would when you take a bath. The skin softens in gentle circular motions. Slowly get rid of it.

I would say this is a quick way to peel of your skin. But if not all the skin is ready. You’re gonna have blotches of dark skin in rando places of your face. Mostly I find the nose takes a really long time to heal as well as the upper lip.. My upper lip was one of the first to blister, but till now there are still bits of dead skin that have yet to release their grip on me. Under no circumstances should you force it, or you’ll be left with a perpetual stinging for at least an hour or two. Just like what I’m having now.

Oh by the way. Don’t use facial wash. Those usually tend to have the function of getting rid of oils & dirt. What you need right is them oils to re-moisturize your skin. If you use facial wash you’d find your face peeling unnecessarily and also would become quite painful when it’s all dried out. Then you must be thinking. Then my face would be so dirty?! What am I to do?! Well for me, I just use a little bit of lathered up shower gel. At least it gets the job done. Also there’s no point buying facial wash for sun burnt skin when you’re only going to have it for max a week right. Plus according to my mother, I only trust her source on this as she has a clear flawless face at the age of 50. She says, water is still the best way to wash your face. All kinds of face wash etc etc are gimmicks. I wish I listened years ago. I find that after I started, my face got oilier, I’m more reliant on these products to control my outbreaks etc. Same thing with shaving my legs. Thought it was so grown up of me.  My mom is also hairless in the leg department. I barely had any hair to be honest. But the “grown up” in me instigated this vicious cycle. I felt like after that first shave, the hair grew back thicker.. Faster… & that’s one thing I can never turn back. So if you happen to be prepubescent reading this post. HEED MY ADVICE, DON’T DO ANYTHING UNNECESSARILY.

MRW my skin started to peel after a sunburn - Imgur

So yeah, back to the interview. Lol. I was going for a position at a aesthetic clinic. So they obviously did stuff like Botox… Laser.. All kinds of thing to make your skin beautiful. So here I was. With my burnt ass skin, entering to speak to the doctor.

Why would I do that?!

Competition is high for nice jobs like these that actually pay decently. So expect them to be snagged up real quick. So I kinda had no choice did I. Had I waited for my skin to heal up back to normalcy someone could have already filled the position.

So the Doc was like.. Do you have some kind of Eczema or something. I was like uhhhhh. No Sir.. I just have a really bad Sunburn from fishing on Monday. Funny thing was he actually only felt comfortable to bring it up after like we were half way through the conversation!


But really sweet doctor though. I’ve had one interview with a semi-condescending one. It was kind of insulting. Yes you are a MD. But doesn’t mean make you a better person than I. Definitely lacking in EQ for sure. Like dude. Don’t talk to me like I’m a freaking child that’s never been in the work force in my life. I’m freaking 24. I’ve worked since I was 17, and I have dealt with jackasses like you ever on a daily basis.

Sometimes I feel like just because your IQ is high, doesn’t warrant being a nasty snotty person. After all if illness became a rare thing of the past, people would start to nitpick which doctors to go to wouldn’t they. They definitely won’t be visiting you again. So I really appreciated this doctor, he offered me a position later that day. Oddly in the hiring ad he even put his own number. Not his nurse, not his receptionist. His own number. He was very nice and the interview was more to get to know me to see if I was a good fit, rather than to talk down to me like.. You should do this, you know you shouldn’t do that blah blah..

Another thing, maybe slightly off topic. Do you think that interviewers asking interviewees questions like Do you Smoke? Do you have any Tattoos? are relevant?

Like unless you’re working in a day care with little kids. I don’t really see the purpose in it. Like firstly, smoking doesn’t in any way affect quality of work. Yes, it affects the individuals health and all. But doesn’t affect the work. Tattoos… If you can’t see them with what I’m wearing now, what does it matter?

Similarly have you guys heard in China? They actually ask things like what is your birth sign… Zodiac.. Etc. To see if you’d clash with people or not. It’s like another way to discriminate people or ostracize them. When all these things actually don’t affect quality of work. WORLD. It’s 2016. We’re evolving. Tattoos are acceptable, piercings are acceptable, homosexuality is tolerated and racism is working towards being a thing of the past. Things are changing, people are changing, but why are some people still trying to find ways to reject others. I always find that it is important to be impartial. Even in the F&B line. You can have all kinds of body art and modifications. But you must look presentable, and you must have proper etiquette and mannerism. YES. You can look presentable and un-hooligan-like with tattoos and piercings. It’s all about how you carry yourself. If you behave like one, you will be treated like one. I would never reject someone because of things that are none of my business. Like who they lie in bed with, their ink choices their hair decisions etc. As long as they carry themselves well and are able to the job that I need them to, I don’t care.


What do you think?

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Where is my VISA!?



Don’t we all have sudden panic attacks. Did I leave my phone somewhere? Did I drop my money at the shopping mall just now?!

I have many of these moments, because I just love, for convenience sake to take out my debit card.. My identification card… My student card.. My ez-link card.. & I forget to put it back into my wallet 9/10 times.

So today! I had a tuition lesson at Bugis. Oh my lord. I panicked so hard. I had like $6 in my wallet. Obviously to be on the safe side you should carry like at least $10 bucks when traveling beyond your neighborhood area.

My tutee messaged me to inform me that he’ll be late. Like 15mins late. So I was like YES! I have time to look for my card. I was scurrying all over looking for that bloody card. I even logged in to the DBS App to check my last charge on the card to give me a clue of where it could be. Alas. Fuck it. I went to Bugis with just $6. Couldn’t even get the Large size drink at Coffeebean. FML. Seriously I wished we were at a hawker center or something. When the barista keyed in the first order wrong, I was like oh shit, its $7.90?! I thought it was $6.50. How am I going to pay for that. Thankfully. She realized her error. Phew. Can’t say I would’ve known better. I don’t go to Coffeebean often.

On the way home, all I could think about is Where the Fuck is my card. Did I drop it. Could someone be holding 0n to it. What if they use it. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

Finally reached home. Scrambled all over the house like a rock hitting a school of fishes. FINALLY I FOUND IT! Thank goodness. Was starting to lose my mind a bit.

Conclusion, couldn’t collect my Yoga mat cause I opted for Cash on Delivery. Bummer.

Couldn’t go to the vet to pick up my dog’s deworming pills.

Cash is King. Truly. All of the above will carry forward to Sunday’s to-do list. 😦


Update: I’m still aching from just 2 20mins Yoga session from yesterday. WTF.

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